New-build Projects

Many of our projects are bespoke new-build properties. We are often brought on-board by the client soon after they’ve purchased their plot of land, which means we can be involved from the outset. We can appoint an architect with the client and collaborate closely to create a future home.

Alternatively we are recommended to a client by their architect and we will become an invaluable resource, both in liaising between the owner and the trades, and as designers contributing to the interior architecture and detailing.

Sometimes we are asked to work on projects that are already underway. Perhaps a homeowner is based elsewhere and effective communication or representation is required on-site. To avoid the stresses and strains of this situation we will review the project and add value through expert input to ensure a satisfying completion for the owners.

In all cases we will provide professional project support, generate CAD plans as required to demonstrate room layouts, finish plans and electrical layouts, and produce detailed designs for all rooms, suggesting detail embellishments throughout.

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